

Basic Vocabulary




Word Focus

Business Japanese

Gift Shop










Business Japanese Glossary









afutaa-saabisu アフターサービス after-sale service



Kono kishu no afutaa-saabisu o hoshoo shimasu.

We guarantee after-sale service on this model.


ageru  上げるto raise; to increase



kaisha no rieki o ageru

to raise the profits of the company


agesoba 上げ相場 a bull market


Ai emu efu  アイ・エム・エフ IMF; International Monetary Fund

airo 隘路  bottleneck



Kikai kakoo no kootei wa airo ni natte imasu.

The machining process has become a bottleneck.


aitai kanjoo  相対勘定  contra account

baisuu 倍数 a multiple

bekken 別件 a separate issue

bekki no toori  別記のとおり as stated elsewhere

bengoshi  弁護士  attorney

buchoo 部長  manager

buhin  部品 component

buka  部下 subordinate

bukka 物価 general price levels



Bukka no takai Nihon de wa, o-kane o jiyuu ni tsukau koto wa dekimasen.

In Japan, where prices are high, you can’t spend your money too freely.




bunseki 分析 analysis

chuuto saiyoo 中途採用 mid-career hiring



Ooku no kigyoo ga shinsotsu saiyoo dake ni juuten o oku no de wa naku, sokusenryoku ni naru chuuto saiyoo no kakudai hookoo ni susunde imasu.

Many companies are not only emphasizing the hiring of new graduates; they are increasing the number of mid-career hires, who can be of immediate use on the job.


dakyoo-an 妥協案 a compromise plan

daitai itsumo  大体いつも almost always

denwa 電話 telephone

en no shita no chikara mochi  縁の下の力持ち a person of ability who is not recognized



Seisan-kanri wa “en no shita no chikara-mochi” no shigoto desu. Seihin o tsukuru bumon o sokumen kara sasaeru juuyoo na yakuwari o hatashimasu.

Production control is not a job for glory seekers. Production control supports the departments who make the products from the sidelines, and their role is important.


fukeiki 不景気  economic downturn; recession

furyoohin  不良品 defect; defective part

fuutoo  封筒 envelope

gappei  合併 merger

genka 原価 cost



Purojekuto no genka o gaisan shite kudasai.

Please calculate the rough costs of the project.



Kono seihin no genka o san doru ni hikisagetai to omoimasu.

I want to bring the cost of this product down to three dollars.


genka bunseki  原価分析  cost analysis

genka chuushin-ten  原価中心点 cost center

genka kaikei 原価会計  cost accounting

genka kanri 原価管理 

giji-roku  議事録minutes (from a meeting)

ginko 銀行   bank

gijutsu  技術

gishi 技師

gosan 誤算 miscalculation

goyaku 誤訳 mistranslation  

gyookai  業界

hana-kin 花金 TGIF; thankful it’s Friday

hanbai-ka 販売課 sales department

handootai  半導体semiconductor

hataraku 働く  to work

hatarakiguchi  働き口

henshin-yoo no hagaki 返信用の葉書 a reply card (used in mailings, brochures, etc.)



Henji ga hitsuyoo na baai ni wa, kitte o hatta henshin-yoo no hagaki o doofuu shite oku kokoro-zukai mo hitsuyoo de aru.

In the event that an answer is needed, it is necessary to take the trouble to enclose a reply card with a stamp affixed.


hinban 品番 part number

hinshitsu kanri品質管理 quality control

hisho 秘書 secretary

hoken 保険 insurance

hyookeisan 表計算 spreadsheet



Ima, pasokon o koonyuu suru to taitei ippan-yoo no hyookeisan sofuto ga puriinsutooru sarete imasu.

These days, when you buy a PC, a general-use spreadsheet program usually comes preinstalled on the computer


isogashii 忙しい busy

jidoo-ka suru 自動化するto automate

jidoo-teki ni 自動的に automatically

jidoosha  自動車automobile

jidoosha-koojoo 自動車工場automotive plant


jimusho 事務所 office



Jimusho ga iten shite benri ni narimashita.

The office has moved, and now it is more convenient.



jinji-ka 人事課 human resources department

junbi suru  準備する to prepare

kachoo  課長 section chief; mid-level manager

kaigi  会議 meeting

kaikei-ka 会計課  accounting department

kaikei-gakari 会計係  accountant

kaiko suru 解雇する to fire; to dismiss

kaiko teate 解雇手当   severance pay

kaisha  会社 company

kaishaiin  会社員  company employee

kami-kuzu  紙くず wastepaper

kankei nai 関係ない unrelated

kanri-shoku  管理職 management work; middle management



Kanri-shoku e “tsukitai” to meikaku ni kaitoo shita juugyooin wa rokujuu go paasento de atta.

Sixty-five percent of the employees responded that they would like to be appointed to a managerial position.


kanri suru 管理する to manage

karoo-shi 過労死 death from overworking 

keijoo rieki 経常利益

keikaku suru 計画する  to plan

keiki 景気economic conditions

keisan-machigai 計算間違い an error in calculations

keisanki 計算機 caclulator

keisan suru  計算する   to calculate

keiyaku 契約 contract (legal agreement)

keiyakusho 契約書 written contract

keiyaku-ihan 契約違反 breach of contract

keizai-gaku 経済学 economics (academic field)

kekkin-ritsu 欠勤率 the rate of absenteeism

kensa 検査 inspection

kihon-kyuu 基本給 basic wage; base pay

kimari 決まり rule; decision

kinmu-jikan 勤務時間 business hours

kinmu-chi 勤務地 the place (geographic) where a job is located



Kinmu-chi wa honnin no kiboo o sankoo ni shinagara kimete imasu. Kettei ni saishite wa, dekiru dake honnin no yooboo ga jitsugen sareru yoo hairyoo shimasu.

We take the person’s desires into account when we determine his or her site of employment. When a decision is made, we try to accommodate the person’s request.



koobai-bu 購買部 purchasing division

koogyoo 工業

koosaku kikai  工作機械 machine tool


kyooryoku 協力 cooperation

kyuuryoo給料 pay; wages

majime 真面目 sincere; earnest

matenroo  摩天楼

mitsumorisho 見積書 a written quotation

mookaru 儲かる  to be profitable

nawabari ishiki 縄張り意識 a sense of “turf”, as between departments in a company setting

Nihonshiki no 日本式の



Nihon-shiki no keiei o kenkyuu shite imasu.

I am doing research about Japanese-style management.


noohin suru 納品する  to deliver merchandise

nooryoku 能力 capability; ability

nooryoku-kyuu 能力給 pay according to ability; merit pay

ori-kaeshi renraku suru 折り返し連絡する to call back; to return a call



Tantoo-sha yori orikaeshi renraku sasete itakimasu.

The person in charge will call you back. (Literally: Please let the person in charge call you back.)


renraku suru  連絡するto contact

ringisho 稟議書 a document or plan circulated for approval

rirekisho 履歴書  curriculum vitae


ryoohin良品 a product that meets quality standards

sakaba  酒場

sangyoo 産業

seikaku na 正確な accurate

seisan kanri  生産管理 production control

seisan suru  生産する  to produce

senbetsu 選別検査 an inspection in which defective products are removed from a lot.



Kikaku ni yori ryoohin, furyoohin no senbetsu kensa o jisshi shimasu.

We will inspect the merchandise, removing the defects from the good products.



senyaku ga aru 先約がある to have a previous engagement

settai 接待 entertaining for business purposes

settai-hi  接待費business entertainment expenses

settoku suru 説得する   to persuade

settoku-ryoku no aru 説得力のある convincing; persuasive

shachoo  社 長 company president

shain 社員 employee

shagai-hi社外秘 company secret

shigoto  仕事 work; one’s career

shinamono 品物  product; merchandise

shinkansen 新幹線 bullet train

shisha gonyuu suru 四捨五入する to round off (numbers)


四捨五入して五十 になる。

Shisha gonyuu shite gojuu ni naru.

When you round off, you get the number 50.



shitsugyooritsu 失業率 unemployment rate

shorui 書類 document

shukka suru 出荷する  to ship

shukkin suru 出勤する to report to work; to go to the office

shukkin jikan 出勤時間 the time one reports to work

soobi suru 装備する to equip

soodan suru 相談する   to consult


sueoku 据え置く  to leave a matter intact; to defer (as in a loan payment)



Bei-renpoo junbi riji-kai wa toomen, kinri o sueoku to no mikata ga tsuyoi.

Most views indicate that the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank will leave interest rates unchanged for the time being.



suuryoo 数量  amount; quantity

tachiagari立ち上がり launch (of a project, etc.)



Shinseihin no tachiagari no junbi wa junchoo ni susunde imasu ka?

Are the preparations for the new product launch proceeding smoothly?


taido 態度attitude

te-sagyoo 手作業 work done by hand



Seisan wa daibubun ga furaisu ya senban o riyoo shite jidoo-ka sarete iru ga, tesagyoo no bubun mo kanari nokotte iru.

Most of the production is done with milling machines and lathes, etc., but there is still a lot of work that is done by hand.



tetsuzuki  手続き procedures; paperwork 

tokkyo  特許 a patent

tooyoo suru  登用する to appoint

tsukue desk

tsuukin teate 通勤手当 transportation allowance

waribiki 割引a discount

yakusoku  約束appointment; engagement; promise

yarinaosu やり直すto do over; to redo

zangyoo 残業 overtime

zenmen-teki ni  全面的extensively; completely

zumen 図面 diagram; blueprint


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