Ideally, wages should increase over time, but this is not always the case. During a recession, workers may actually see their wages decrease, as bonuses and overtime are reduced. The following newspaper excerpt describes just such as situation:

“Last year, the average annual salary received by employees in private firms declined against the previous year by 0.1% (3000¥ ), marking the third consecutive annual decrease. This information was contained in the “Survey of Private Sector Salary Data”, released by the Ministry of Taxation on the 26th. The recession, and the severe employment circumstances contributed to this situation.”
Vocabulary Notes
民間企業 "private sector companies"
従業員 "employees"
平均給与 "average wage"
国税庁 "Ministry of Taxation"
統計 "statistics; statistical data"
経済成長率 "economic growth rate"
三年連続 "three consecutive years"
さんねん れんぞく
雇用状況 "employment conditions"
こ よう じょうきょう
Read the following passage, and identify the methods by which the salaries of federal employees are determined in Japan. Vocabulary notes are provided below:

Vocabulary Notes
国家公務員 "federal employees; civil servants"
こっか こうむいん
法律に基づいて "based on the law"
ほうりつ もと
職員の職務 "duties of the personnel"
しょくいん しょく む
責任の度 "degree of responsibility"
せきにん ど
補完する "to compliment; to make complete"
ほ かん