In October of 2004, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control released a study indicating that Americans have grown taller and wider since the 1960s. According to the passage below, there have been increases in both the heikin shinchō (average height) and the heikin taijū (average weight) of Americans.
Source: 2004.10.28
Gendai no Beikokujin no taikaku wa senkyū hyaku rokujū nen tōji no heikin to kurabe, shinchō to taijū tomo ni zōdai shite iru koto ga wakatta. Bei shitsubyō taisaku sentā ga nijū shichi nichi happyō shita hōkoku-sho ni yoru to, heikin shinchō wa dansei de san ten hachi cenchi, josei de ni ten roku senchi nobita. Mata, heikin taijū wa dansei de jūichi ten ni kiro, josei de jū ten kyū kiro sore zore fueta.
The average American’s physique has increased in height and weight since 1960. According to a report published on the 27th by the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the average male height has increased by 3.8 centimeters, and the average female height has increased by 2.6 centimeters. Moreover, the weight of the average man has seen a gain of 11.2 kilograms, while the women have gained an average of 10.9 kilograms.
Usage Notes
The two keywords of this section are:
平均身長 (へいきん しんちょう) average body height
平均体重 (へいきん たいじゅう) average weight
Heikin means “average,” and can be found in any number of words that indicate a similar concept:
平均寿命 (へいきん じゅみょう) average lifespan
平均株価 (へいきん かぶか) average stock price
平均点 (へいきん てん) average score
平均余命 (へいきん よめい) average life expectancy
Heikin suru = “to average.”The expression heikin shite is a handy way of conveying the meaning: “on average:”
Heikin kekka wa ichigatsu kara jūnigatsu no kekka o tanjun sanshutsu shita mono de aru.
The average results are calculated from a simple average of the results from results from January through December.
Ima no nenkin suijun wa heikin shite getsugaku ni-jūman-en teido desu.
Current pensions, are, on average, around the level of 200,000 yen per month.
….koto ga wakatta translates literally as “…was known” or “….was understood.” However, you usually omit this expression when translating from Japanese, as these expressions sound redundant in English.
Supplemental Vocabulary
増大する (ぞうだい する) to grow larger; to increase
当時 (とうじ) at that time; in those days
米疾病対策センター べい (しつびょう たいさく センター) U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC)
それぞれ それぞれ respective; respectively