The particle の and gerunds
In this section we cover yet another use of the particle の: It can also be used to make a verb into a gerund, which effectively allows the verb to function as a noun. (If your English grammar is rusty, an example of a gerund is the word “learning” in the sentence: “Learning Japanese is difficult.”
To make the –の gerund form in Japanese, you need only attach the のparticle to verb:
Nihongo o manabu no wa muzukashii desu.
Learning Japanese is difficult.
Watashi wa Keiko-san ga shimbun o yomu no o mimashita.
I saw Keiko-san reading a newspaper.

The particle ことand gerunds
When it comes to making gerunds, ことis often interchanged with の. こと is preferred when a more abstract action is involved:
Jimu ga kaisha o yameru koto o shitte imasu ka.
Did you know that Jim will quit the company?
Daigaku o erabu koto wa kantan de wa nai.
Choosing a university is not simple.