You asked for it....
"What I would like to see is a Japanese language text about compound words..."
---Amy S., Japanese123.com readers poll, 2005
"There are no good books on the market for learning Japanese compound verbs."
---Kirk D., Japanese123.com readers poll, 2005
You got it!
The newest addition to the Trimnell’s Blackbelt Japanese series focuses on Japanese compound words.
An easy way to expand your vocabulary…..
Compound words are a boon to all students of the Japanese language who want to expand their vocabulary. Compound words are helpful because they build upon your preexisting knowledge of simple vocabulary items. By combining different elements to form compound words, you can speak Japanese with greater sophistication and precision.
For example, the Japanese word 作る means “to build.” Combine 作るwith 話 (story; talk) and you get 作り話 = a made up story; tall tale.

Lots of compound verbs…..
This book is an especially rich source of compound verbs, a category of Japanese vocabulary that many students have trouble with. However, a knowledge of compound verbs can make the difference between saying exactly what you mean---- versus just approximating what you mean.
Numerous usage examples…
There are usage examples for many of the entries, including excerpts from real-world news articles and internet blogs. The usage examples contain even more notes that will expand your knowledge of Japanese.
Bottom line: a must-have for serious students
This book contains no fluff; just page after page of hard information that will help you to build a better Japanese vocabulary. Japanese Compound Words is a book that every serious student of the Japanese language should have on his or her bookshelf.
Note: All pronunciation guides are given in kana.

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