On October 3, the price of crude oil fell to the 50-dollar level, giving consumers some much-needed relief. An article in the online version of the daily Nikkei recorded the milestone.
The headline (below) employs the word下落(げらく)= fall; decline
Source: http://www.nikkei.co.jp/news/main/20061003AT2M0303V03102006.html
原油 (げんゆ)crude oil
一時 (いちじ) for a time; temporarily
取引所(とりひきしょ) exchange; marketplace
原油先物相場 (げんゆさきものそうば)crude oil futures market
58ドル台(ごじゅうはちだい) 58-dollar level
続落 (ぞくらく) continuing falling
前日比 (ぜんじつひ)compared to the previous day
正午 (しょうご) noon
約7カ月半ぶりに (やく ななかげつ はん ぶり に) in about 7 and a half months; since about seven and a half months