The following is an excerpt from an article about Anousheh Ansari, the first woman to become a “space tourist.” The excerpt below discusses her return home, or 帰還 (きかん). See below for complete word list
Source: http://www.cnn.co.jp/science/CNN200609290008.html
女性初の (じょせいはつの)the first woman
宇宙観光旅行客 (うちゅうかんこうりょこうきゃく) space tourist
イラン系米国人 (イランけいべいこくじん) Iran-American (person)
乗せる (のせる) to carry (a person); to give a ride to
宇宙船 (うちゅうせん) spacecraft
午前 (ごぜん) morning; a.m.
当地北方 (とうちきたかた)in the northern part of (that) place/country
草原地帯 (そうげんちたい) a grassy/meadow area
無事帰還する (ぶじきかん する) to touch down safely