most numerous
The excerpt below (from CNN.co.jp) notes that Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport was busiest airport in the United States during 2006, as measured by the number of arrivals and departures. This conclusion was reached from FAA data.
This installment’s keyword emphasized the importance of knowing the kanji. 最多 is not a very high-frequency word. But if you know should immediately recognize 最 from the words:
最悪 さいあく the worst
最低 さいてい minimum
You will hopefully then remember that 多 appears in:
多い おおい many; numerous
大多数 だいたすう the great majority
This knowledge, plus the context, should enable you to figure out the meaning of最多.
Vocabulary Notes:
米連邦航空局 べいれんぽう こうくうきょく The Federal Aviation Administration
昨年 さくねん last year
国内空港 こくない くうこう domestic airports
離発着回数 りはっちゃく number of takeoffs and landing
国際空港 こくさい くうこう international airport
2年連続 にねん れんぞく two years in a row
首位 しゅい first place; the lead position
減 げん reduction