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Learn by Example: Democratic comments about the war in Iraq, in Japanese

As the 2008 U.S. Presidential election activity gets underway, Senator Hillary Clinton declared that she would end the war in Iraq if elected president, as noted in the headline below:




Note the causative form of 終わる(おわる). 終わらす means to bring to an end, or to cause to end. 

Senator Obama countered with his thoughts about the war, noting that he had been publicly against it since  


Original Japanese Source: http://www.nikkei.co.jp/news/main/20070203AT2M0301603022007.html



Vocabulary Notes


大統領として だいとうりょう と して as President

率直に    そっちょく に   frankly; directly

オバマ議員  オバマ ぎいん  Senator Obama

イラク戦争   イラク せんそう  Iraq War

強調  きょうちょう  emphasis

同時に どうじ に  at the same time

開戦  かいせん  the start of a war

公式に  こうしき に   publicly

侵略  しんりゃく   invasion

と(は)違って  と(は)ちがって  as opposed to

開戦決議  かいせん けつぎ  resolution to go to war

加わる  くわわる   to join, to add oneself to

